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Dear Martin,
Thank you for your invaluable gift of bringing knowledge to every human around the world.
My name is Lila Tretikov, and I’m the Executive Director of the Wikimedia Foundation. Over the past year, gifts like yours powered our efforts to expand the encyclopedia in 287 languages and to make it more accessible all over the world. We strive most to impact those who would not have access to education otherwise. We bring knowledge to people like Akshaya Iyengar from Solapur, India. Growing up in this small textile manufacturing town, she used Wikipedia as her primary learning source. For students in these areas, where books are scarce but mobile Internet access exists, Wikipedia is instrumental. Akshaya went on to graduate from college in India and now works as a software engineer in the United States. She credits Wikipedia with powering half of her knowledge.
This story is not unique. Our mission is lofty and presents great challenges. Most people who use Wikipedia are surprised to hear it is run by a non-profit organization and funded by your donations. Each year, just enough people donate to keep the sum of all human knowledge available for everyone. Thank you for making this mission possible.
On behalf of half a billion people who read Wikipedia, thousands of volunteer editors, and staff at the Foundation, I thank you for for keeping Wikipedia online and ad-free this year.
Thank you,
Sám do Wikipedie také občas přispívám pod entitou Crysman. Pokud chcete přispívat i vy, ale bojíte se, nebo nevíte jak na to, dobrý start je "Wiki pískoviště", kde si můžete beztrestně hrát a zkoušet, co je libo ;)
Happy Wikin'!
3 komentáře :
Ehm, opravdu blbej dotaz, ale jak se posadím na tribunu? Rozkliknu odkaz a pak už mi nejde na nic kliknout. Děje se to nějak automaticky a nebo to není kompatibilní s Linuxama?
Hoya, předpokládám, že toto měl být spíše komentář sem
http://crysmanovo.blogspot.com.es/2014/06/prijdte-fandit-rekonstruujicim-poslancum.html, však? ;)
Mně to normálně funguje bez problémů. Můžeš zkusit přímý link tribuna.rekonstrukcestatu.cz
Pokud už sedíš (ikona v zeleném kolečku), asi si nemůžeš sednout znovu...
PS: "s Linuxama" ... to by měl Machata a Stallman radost - a teď už vlastně i já ;)
Není to "Linux", ani "linuxy". Správné označení je "GNU/Linux". Proč?
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